An embedded system is a digital computer system that is embedded in a surrounding technical system and interacts with it.

The embedded computer system takes on the task of controlling, regulating or monitoring the higher-level system.

The development of Software for embedded systems deals with the production of software, i.e. the development of programs and the organization and modelling of the associated data structures. These programs ultimately control the behavior of the computer system and thus also the higher-level system.

The special feature of embedded systems is that they act as a "universal system integrator".

The technical systems are shaped by interacting components. The number of components is high and the complexity of the individual components and the overall system is increasing. This makes it necessary to equip the individual components and the interactions with more and more functions. This is supported by The requirement for constantly improved systems also contributes to this.

Computer systems are the only technology available to implement and control complex interactions between individual physical systems. They can also be easily adapted for future product cycles.

Challenges in embedded software development

With the Development of software for embedded systems developers are faced with complex boundary conditions.

In addition to the coupling to physical processes and the associated reliability requirements, there is also the increasing number of distributed systems with high dynamics.

Your partner for embedded software development

As siglab ag We accompany our customers from the product idea to the start of production and offer Consulting and training in the field of embedded systems. Especially in the field of embedded systems software development, we can support you with our expertise and many years of experience.

We want to be your long-term partner right from the start in your Embedded projects support.

We accompany You from the idea to the realization.

siglab ag is your reliable partner for international embedded software development projects. Join us in Contact us and see our expertise for yourself.

The advantages


Embedded software is often optimized for specific applications, resulting in increased performance and efficiency. By adapting to a specific function, it can fulfill this function better than general software.

High reliability

Due to less variable conditions the software is more stable and reliable.

Real-time capability

Embedded software is often optimized for specific applications, resulting in increased performance and efficiency. These advantages make embedded software a decisive factor in many industries, from the automotive industry and medical technology to household appliances and consumer electronics.


Less code is required, which makes the application more compact and leads to smaller devices.


Fewer attack surfaces due to closed systems and fewer opportunities to be modified directly by the end customer.

Long service life

Once developed and installed, embedded software can function for years without updates or patches.

Cost efficiency

Cost-efficient in the long term, as little to no maintenance is required. Optimized code and specialized hardware also lead to lower power consumption, which is particularly important for battery-operated devices.